+7 (812) 384-48-09

153 Leninsky Pr., Saint Petersburg, Russia

RJC Company Logo
Independent russian
g e o l o g i c a l
c o m p a n y

Full cycle of geological exploration

Full-service client support — from an exploration project to capitalization of assets Our main goal is to independently and accurately evaluate the resource potential of an asset so that you can adequately assess financial risks related to exploration and exploitation of mineral deposits and guarantee your business success Commercial geology is a modern hi-tech business aimed to increase capitalization of assets by realizing their resource potential at full blast

Our benefits

  • Team
  • Principles
    Principles of work
  • Methods
    Methods and quality standards
  • Possibilities
    Infrastructure and labor safety
  • Partnership
  • Clients
  • It has always been the competence and expertise of specialists that defined the quality and effectiveness of exploration projects. With highly-skilled geologists and young talented employees working together within our geological company we benefit from advanced knowledge sharing and can carry out complex field projects and office works.

  • RJC GROUP has considerable experience in geological survey – from prospecting and exploration of assets to mining of deposits. Thanks to the principles of project management, our geological company combines cutting-edge technologies with experience and knowledge of specialists to thoroughly explore a certain deposit.

  • The results of our work meet the highest requirements for geological information in terms of completeness, reliability and quality. RJC Group are highly experienced in handling field electronic documentation which helps immediately create electronic databases and reports at the highest level. Only licensed geological software is used to process geological data, and mineral assessment reports are generated to comply with the requirements of the Russian State Commission of Mineral Reserves and international reporting standards (JORC-2012, NI 43-101). For field sample preparation our geological company uses Rocklabs equipment and reliable methods of sample reduction, which secures samples from contamination and provides high performance.

  • To carry out works in remote areas and harsh climates our geological company has advanced and reliable equipment at our disposal. When arranging field camps, RJC Group uses only tried-and-true solutions to ensure comfortable working and living conditions for geologists. Topographic equipment and portable X-ray phase scanners are regularly verified, and consumables and spare parts for sample selection and preparation equipment are always in stock. All surveying and exploration projects are carried out in strict compliance with safety and environmental requirements.

  • Over the years, our geological company has built strong partnerships with drilling, mining and cargo companies (either land, sea or air shipping), with laboratories and suppliers of field analytical equipment, as well as manufacturers of portable buildings and premises. In the course of deposit assessment RJC Group actively cooperates with leading specialists from engineering and research companies, therefore we rest upon advanced technological solutions in the field of ore mining and processing.

  • Çàêàç÷èêè

    RJC Group are always happy to work with Russian and foreign subsoil users. Over the years, we adhere to strict rules of professional ethics and code of conduct; we respect and protect proprietary information and trade secrets. Based on these principles, our geological company develops long-term partnership with leading mining companies and project owners at early stages of deposit exploration.

Our perfomance

  • more 0 years of company
  • more 0 fulfilled projects
  • experience 0 assets and deposits
  • handling 0 types of raw materials and minerals
  • Member of the Russian Society of Subsoil Use Experts
  • Partnership with Russian and foreign partners
  • Participant of scientific and public industry events
  • R&D and patents for new technologies

Work Types

  • As part of our service RJC Group select sites and obtain exploration licenses in compliance with the Decree of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of the Russian Federation from November 10, 2016, no. 583 "On approval of the review process for applications for exploration license (except for subsurface areas of federal and local significance)".

    If licensing is approved, our geological company prepares an exploration program and project and defends it at FSI “Rosgeolexpertise”.
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  • For more than 10 years RJC Group have been arranging field works, including pioneer road construction, building and equipping all-season camps and villages, providing geologists who work on rotation basis with transport, electricity, satellite communications, living conditions and food.

    To arrange all necessary facilities, our geological company cooperates only with trustworthy suppliers of portable buildings and premises that withstand permafrost conditions and provide comfortable rooms for documentation, sample preparation and accommodation.
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  • RJC Group have all necessary licenses and equipment for topographical and geodetic works. We have at our disposal modern high-accuracy GPS receivers and tachometers by the global manufacturer Sokkia which undergo regular calibration. We can fully support up to five teams of geodesists who have a good understanding of exploration process.

    When providing topographic and geodetic support, our geological company keeps documentation and additional control over surveying accuracy to avoid wrong position of drilling equipment and mine workings.
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  • Control over drilling and mining is one the highest priority tasks for us as it is the most complicated and crucial part of field geology. If properly done, it provides highly reliable and comprehensive geological data. Adhering to best practices, our geological company strives to assign to each asset geologists who know the site quite well and, if necessary, can contacts the customer for the required changes in the exploration program.

    Geologists of our company RJC Group have all necessary safety permits and additional equipment to work underground, if required.
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  • The competitive advantage of RJC Group lies in the ability of our specialists to adapt to any geological conditions, from Antarctic to Africa, or whatever climate it might be, and deep knowledge of computer technologies. Our geologists have broad experience in handling electronic geological and mining documentation through the AGR system (www.agr4.ru) at various deposits – gold, silver, copper, nickel, polymetallic, iron, rare earth elements, mineral salts, coal and other metallic and non-metallic minerals. We are ready to intensively produce high-quality geological documentation even for the most complex exploration projects.

    Where core sampling and groove sampling takes place, including the stages of drilling, storing, weighing, photographing and documentation, our geological company uses reliable and high-performance from proven manufacturers (Diam, Husqvarna, Canon, Niton, SatisGeo, etc.). During field works we select some materials to create and supplement the reference sample collection. All rock and ore samples are provided with a microscopic description. In addition, we select samples to determine specific weight, which significantly improves the control of core recovery.
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  • We consider sample preparation prior to its analyses in laboratories as an important step of field works. Our geological company constructs separate buildings to mount there sample crushing, grinding and abrasion machines, and part of the room is used to accept, dry and prepare material for further processing. As a result, we can deal with a large number of samples and ensure that working conditions are comfortable. When treating ore material, we clean the equipment on a regular basis to prevent contamination of samples.

    Once samples are sent to the analytical laboratory, RJC Group check for test results and form batches of samples for internal and external control.
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  • Hydrogeological surveys are an integral stage in studying natural and man-made (disturbed) hydrogeological conditions of the mineral deposit area when assessing the economic feasibility of its development. RJC Group is an expert in tackling this kind of tasks of any complexity and has modern hydrogeological measuring instruments by Russian and foreign suppliers.

    Our geological company offers a complete cycle of works — from hydrogeological support of drilling and groundwater inflow testing to reporting and going through a vetting process.
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  • Over the years, our company has prepared a large number of reports on prospecting, assessment and exploration results. Generally, reporting beings before fieldwork is completed, i.e. logging is predominantly based on real-time data and is updated according to lab results. Such a process is a natural extension of widespread use of electronic documentation, which helps quickly create and update geological databases and save time on preparing well and mine files.

    An in-office team headquartered in Saint Petersburg provides qualified support to field geologists and makes it possible to generate high-quality exploration reports.
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  • Computer modeling lies at the core of any study of mineral deposits. When building the geological model of a deposit, specialists of RJC Group use all available geological historical information of a deposit and practice internal expert reviews to ensure that geological interpretation is precise and valid.

    Our geological company is skilled at creating digital databases, 3D modeling for more than 100 ore and placer deposits.
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  • Our geological company have accomplished and submitted to state expert review more than 20 scoping, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies as well as reserve estimation reports. All feasibility studies were made using 3D modeling and mine optimization and planning software.

    Thanks to practical knowledge and high qualification of specialists RJC Group, subsoil users obtained up-to-date information on mineral reserves and a basis for decision-making.
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  • Banks and financial organizations regularly engaged RJC Group as an external auditor to analyze commercial value of exploration and mining projects. Assessing the risks, we always perform mineral resource estimation and evaluate the quality of fulfilled exploration works.

    An audit can also include the analysis of technological, mining engineering and environmental solutions. Based on the results of the comprehensive audit, we prepare a Competent Persons Report in compliance with JORC 2012 or NI 43-101 international standards and give recommendations on how to reduce risks during development of the mineral and raw material base.
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(812) 384-48-09

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Ñ Íîâûì 2025 ãîäîì!
Address: 153 Leninsky Pr.
Saint Petersburg, Russia, 196247
Phone: +7(812) 384-48-09
Email: rjc@rjcgroup.ru
Address: 4/6 Semen Lagoda Str.
Irkutsk, Russia, 664025
Phone: +7(3952) 700-353
Email: sibir@rjcgroup.ru
Address: 12A Bauyrzhan
Momyshuly Str., Nur-Sultan
Kazakhstan, 010017
Phone: +7(705) 288-19-12
Email: astana@rjcgroup.ru
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